The 17th Beijing international nutrition and health industry expo was held on November 17, 2017 at t


The exhibition covers an area of 30,000square meters, attracting more than 800 well-known health enterprises from 32countries and regions. Moved the medical fair in "healthy life - Healthfor life" as the theme, for the purpose of green Health, the ministry ofagriculture, deputy secretary, the CPC in the agriculture department teamleader Song Shuyou, embassy of the republic of Tunisia in China, khalidambassadors, the national development and reform commission, the agriculturaleconomy, the former chief priests Gao Juncai, Beijing Health care productscosmetics association secretary-general of Mr Zhang, and many other industryauthority leaders, guests and representatives of enterprises to visit theexposition and attend the opening ceremony of the conference.

My company chairman professor ming-te chengalso personally visited the exhibition, I company's Marketing Department andthe department related colleagues attended the event, at the fair, scramblingto related customers, from all over the world have to come to consult andexperience our products.

During the exhibition, our company alsoheld a competitions on November 18, related businesses and customers all overthe country to join the meeting, the meeting my company colleagues detailedintroduces the "hua han needle god" to the customer the basicinformation of the product and advantage. After hearing this, the customersgave us a positive evaluation and consulted relevant policies and prepared tostart selling the "hua han pin god" series products.
